Soul Winning
The FPFK Soul Winning Outreach Ministry (SWOM) is a national team comprising of five members namely; Samuel Chege, Amanda Mwikali, David Simintei, Frank Otaro and Ray Langat who are all designated as Evangelists. This squad was officially commissioned to service during the 2018 Annual General Meeting. Before then there had been a period of cessation of evangelism for a period of about nine months.
In the undying vision of Missionay Gunnar David Ostrem about SWOM, he birthed a new idea to have his home church Fiadelfia in Fredrikstad, Norway to sponsor the team to keep the work of God aflame. This therefore, brought about the official formation of this current team. Pastor Peter Thuku is on the coordination desk. When the preliminary logistics were over it was then when rubber met the road starting in the month of June 2018. From then to late December, ten Gospel
Crusades were undertaken. These were at Entarara (Oloitoktok), Gathage (Gatundu), Monduli (Arusha– Tanzania), Sultan Hamud, Molo Town, Illassit (Oloitoktok), Embakasi (Nairobi), Rombo, Malili Town (Konza) and Enkorika (Kajiado). Moreover, SWOM facilitated in four Conferences at Rombo, Embakasi, Kiserian and the Pastors’ & Leaders’ Conference at Thessalia. The year’s business was wrapped up in a Youth Camp at Nyamusi (Nyamira).
All together this was a classic record of fifteen activities in six months that were both successful and tiresome! In conjunction with the hosting churches, we got involved in person to person witnessing, seminars, open air crusades and evening revival fellowships.
There were eight other crusade requests that were registered but due to overflow they could not be factored in but were crossed over to 2019 activity
program God.
Seventeen converts were baptized during one of the aforementioned crusades. Worship, prayers and the preaching of the Word is hostile habitation for demons and unclean spirits. Powers of darkness manifested themselves on people they had been possessed of evil spirits. It was predominant in Monduli, Sultan Hamud and Molo. It pleased God to deliver them from these spiritual bondages. Another outstanding event was a woman who got conviction of sin and summoned the team to go to her house to destroy the paraphernalia she had been using for a number of years as protective charm. All glory and honor be to
God for the salvation and deliverance wrought in His name

Soul winning team-worshiping during an out-reach
Our Contacts
Working hours
Monday- Friday:8:00 AM-17:00 PM
(Phone until 17:00 PM)
Contact Info
FPFK Headquarters; Kindaruma Road, Off Menelik Rd,P.O. Box 47469 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Fax:+(020) 3874596
Email: or