Karen Christian College

The main goal of Karen Christian College is to train and develop servant leaders for the entire FPFK and beyond in order to serve God and humanity effectively.


Karen Christian College

Karen Christian College (KCC) is a Christian training and education institution sponsored by Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya (FPFK), whose goal is training pastors, evangelists, teachers and other church servants and leaders in courses in Bible and Theology, ECDE and Counseling. The college envisions a Transformative Servant-hood training for a better World by provide excellent education and training based on Christian values to serve God and Humanity.

The training we offer is not simply limited to those called to the five-fold ministry; it is important and valuable for all church leaders at all levels who would like to deepen their faith and enhance their ministry skills. We invite children workers, youth leaders, and women leaders etc. to take the training. As we align ourselves to the competence based curriculum launched by the Kenyan government, it is important to note that through our training, one will acquire knowledge, attitudes and discovers skills that will help you to become effective ministers and leaders. We also need to seriously consider concrete strategies to steadily support the institution financially and materially.