Ubunifu Youth Project
Ubunifu Youth Project
Ubunifu Youth project is being implemented in seven areas in Turkana namely; Kainuk, Katilu, Kalengmrok, Lokichar, Nabuin, Lodwar and Lorugum. This covers Turkana South and parts of Central and Loima Constituencies.
The primary target group is the excluded out of school youths aged between 18-25 years, both boys and girls. The project is targeting an utmost total of 100 youths per area, all 700 in total.
The project objective is to empower excluded out – of – school youths so that they have more choices and opportunities for participating & and benefiting from development progress in Turkana County.
Contribution to the strategic plan
Ubunifu youth project has seen growing unity and working together of pastors in Turkana County, thus breaking the earlier barriers where operations were done based on founder missionary lines, Swedish or Norwegian. The project is also supporting the churches economically through payment of rents and hall hire during activities. Besides that, the project is raising awareness on responsible utilization of natural resources by discouraging young people to destroying trees to make charcoal. The project views itself as a stepping stone to reaching out to souls and thus it does not only grant hope socioeconomically but uses the opportunity to share the word of God with the beneficiaries or any other stakeholders that it comes in contact with.
Focus is on three thematic areas
- Civil society where the project employs the strategy of lobbying the state actors and advocating for the inclusion of excluded out of school youths in development programs. Here the project partners with other non-state actors to achieve results.
- Economic Empowerment, where the project has youths trained in livelihood oriented/ economic life skills that enhance their ability to self-reliance through self-employment. The youths are mobilized into groups which are expected to make them more visible to other actors, strengthen their power to self-advocate and enhance synergy amongst themselves. These units are the grassroot economic growth hubs through, which young people are expected to realize dignified livelihoods. The project envisions facilitating the groups with suitable capital assets to set them off economically.
- Quality Education; A literate mind is open to new ideas and to progressive change. The project expects beneficiaries will improve their lives through the apprenticeship trainings which will greatly add to their resilience to economic challenges. Besides this, the project has of last year agreed with the adult literacy department that they will work through the project formed groups to provide adult literacy.