Innovative and responsive social ministry programs alleviating poverty and all other forms of human suffering

FPFK Social Ministry


The Social Ministry department is responsible for strategic objective number two of FPFK which focuses on developing innovative and responsive development programs aimed at alleviating poverty and all other forms of human suffering in Kenya. This is achieved through various strategies which include: working together with our local churches and other departments in the organization; partnering and networking with like-minded organizations; collaboration with national and county governments; involvement of beneficiaries in design, planning and implementation of projects. We are guided by the love of Jesus Christ and the fundamental values of love, justice, inclusivity, accountability and transparency. We believe in the innate worth of our beneficiaries, their ability to redefine their own destiny and work towards their achievement.

Thematic areas

The FPFK Social Ministry Department runs various development projects in different thematic areas of focus as guided by the Strategic Plan including gender and women empowerment, peacebuilding and governance, and environment and climate change. 

Advocate Grace facilitating a session

Gender Equality and women Empowerment

Girls and women in Kenya hold unlimited potential. The barriers that constrain women are multifaceted. Issues like gender-based violence have remained pervasive. Women remain underrepresented in decision-making processes at all levels. FPFK Recognizes that gender equality is vital in sustainable development, that unless women and girls are able to utilize 


Peace, Democracy and Governance

The prevention of violent conflict and the building of sustainable peace are at the forefront of the FPFK Social Ministry Department. Building sustainable peace is a critical component and forms an important part of the FPFK’s toolbox to address all phases of the conflict cycle which encompasses early warning, early action, crisis management, post-conflict rehabilitation, and reconciliation

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Climate Change, Health, Environmental Justice & Resilience

FPFK is implementing projects that facilitate clean environment, safe water, and healthy communities. The Environment project facilitates clean environment, safe water, and healthy communities. The church undertakes community sensitization on issues of waste management and hygiene.  FPFK is supportting the community with access to safe drinking water


Humanitarian Assistance

Humanitarian interventions have outcomes that are cross cutting across different objectives. FPFK is a key actor on matters of humanitarian assistance and emergency response in Kenya. FPFK has in the past responded to a number of humanitarian emergency reliefs by the prolonged droughts and other 

People reached by FPFK interventions

People Reached

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Networking and Funding Partners

Funding Partners

FPFK Church is an active member of Act Alliance Forum under the umbrella of National Council of Churches of Kenya(NCCK) and a member of Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK), an umbrella body for Pentecostal churches in Kenya, and a founding member of the Kenya for Resilience (K4R), a platform for civil society organizations working on resilience interventions. Through these networks, FPFK Church plays an active role in championing for the rights of individuals and communities in Kenya, strengthening the civic spaces, and contributing to sustainable structures for inclusive governance in Kenya. FPFK collaborates with the State and non-State actors in fulfilling her mandate through partnerships for advocacy at the local, county and national as well as international levels for realization of her programming goals. 

Gender equality and women empowerment

Campaign against harmful practices

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Maasai Community Resilience Project

FPFK reached directly more than 100 community members in Olgulului, Kajiado South Constituency with anti-FGM campaign messages. The targeted groups are girls aged 5- 18 years, boys aged 5-18 years, men - young warriors and household heads, women – married and non-married women
The Chair lady of oloserian women group In Oloserian community during women advocacy forum.

Maasai Gender and Community Resilience Project in Narok

Our focus is to address women leadership representation right from the community households to the national level and also address the retrogressive cultural practices that have had a negative effect on women’s decision making ability such as FGM ,and early / force marriages.

Widows Project

The project worked in 2 locations in Siaya County, namely Usonga and West Ugenya The project has succeeded in enhancing the widows’ capacity so that they are now able to live in dignity and freedom. They are able to say no to the humiliating traditional rituals and resist other forms of oppression and rights violations


Programs/Project’s Operational Structure

FPFK runs specialized programs funded by diverse financial partners. These programs are managed by professional staff based at its national and regional offices country wide. Operationally all FPFK projects and programs are managed by Social Ministry Coordination an arm which is mandated by the FPFK National Board. This department is headed by Social Ministry Coordinator who oversees all FPFK’s projects operations and reported to by both Social Ministry Accounts and the Project Leader. The Project leader is responsible for the day to day management of project activities, follow up on financial routines, reporting and networking. While project officers assist in the implementation and monitoring of project activities.

FPFK Social Ministry-Acting Coordinator:-Caroline Kinyua

Geographical Reach

FPFK Projects

The projects were implemented at national level as well as in specific areas covering Muhoroni Belt comprising of Kisumu, Kericho and Nandi counties; South Rift with focus on Nakuru and Narok, Northrift Region covering Turkana, West Pokot, Isiolo and Trans Nzoia; Western Region comprising of Bungoma and Busia counties; and Nyanza region covering Nyakach and Siaya. This means that FPFK is impacting more than 50% of the communities in the country through the Social Ministry interventions. Presently, PMU are involved in Maasai Gender and community Resilience project in Narok County, Maasai FGM Community Resilience Project in Kajiado County, Resilience Livelihood Kisumu Project in Soin and Nyakch, Child Participation Advocacy Project in Nyamira County, Turkana Pokot Community Resilience Project on Turkana and West Pokot Counties.  IAS Denmark support NAROK Peace Project in KILGORISFreedom of Religion and Belief in Isiolo county, FAITH COMMUNITY Against Drug Abuse in Kwale County. NPM support Widows Project in Siaya County, Peace Resilience project in Kilgoris and Muhoron, INUKA Dada within FPFK church, UBUNIFU Youth Project on Turkana. Larkhmissionen support Women inclusive leadership targeting elected women within FPFK church.

Resilience Livelihood Project

Climate change is a threat multiplier. With it comes; food and water insecurity, threats to livelihoods, competition over resources, undermining of governance/rule of law, destruction of social and physical infrastructure, fragility, conflict and violence, and exacerbation of existing vulnerabilities. Resilience Livelihoods equips Nyakach and Soin communities with strategies of adapting to these difficult and challenging life experiences

Ubunifu Youth Project

The project objective is to empower excluded out – of - school youths so that they have more choices and opportunities for participating & and benefiting from development progress in Turkana County.

Pokot-Turkana Community Resilience Project

The project’s long term goal is to see Turkana and Pokot communities utilizing their natural, physical, social, human, spiritual, financial, and institutional resources in enhancing their absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacities in the management of conflicts and climate change disasters.

PRP Muhoroni Project

Muhoroni Peace project was launched in May 2017 as a result of successful Mt. Elgon peace project that had been in operation since 2009 that worked among the Sabaot community. Through FPFK, the project target area was within North Rift Region (Tinderet), Kisumu Region (Muhoroni and Nyakach), Kericho region (Sigowet) and Kericho North Region( Soin) .

Inuka Dada Project

The project aims at increasing the participation of women in leadership within FPFK. The project aims at building individuals’ gender confidence and capability by providing platforms for both men and women to change their mindsets,

Community Resilience or peace: Narok Peace Project

Narok Peace Project is a peace and conflict prevention project of Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya (FPFK) in partnership with International Aids Services (IAS) Denmark, through Danish mission council development department being implemented in Trans Mara Sub-County of Narok County, Kenya.


The project’s work continues to receive great technical and financial support from her partners namely the PMU Interlife (Sweden), Norwegian Pentecostal Mission (Norway), International Aid Services (Denmark), and The Salvation Army Sweden. In average FPFK Church annually receives projects funds that amount to Kenya Shillings 100,000,000 (USD 1,000,000) from different partners.