Widows Project

Widows Project in Siaya County

As a result of FPFK and partnerships, Widows in Luo community are living in freedom from all forms of retrogressive widowhood beliefs and practices in Siaya County;” is the projects overall impact.

 Although the project’s direct target participants are widows, it still by extension targets the girl child as the project has no limit to how young a widow should be to be listed as a participant; and of course in addition to the fact that the girl child today is tomorrow’s potential widow, the retrogressive traditional practices awaits even the young girls in the future should nothing be done to change the way  women in Siaya county are treated when their husbands pass on.  The maximum age limit however is set 45 years old.

The projects other outcomes and how they impact the girl child are as demonstrated below;

Advocate Grace facilitating a session during the local administrators' sensitization forum in Ukwala

Advocate Grace facilitating a session during the local administrators’ sensitization forum in Ukwala


Trauma survivors during the healing workshop in West Alego, Uranga

Trauma survivors during the healing workshop in West Alego, Uranga

Targeted widows are responsible and claiming their widowhood rights in Siaya County

Apart from sensitizing the widows themselves on their rights and freedoms as granted by the Kenyan constitution and human rights declarations, the project also targets the rest of the community members with the same awareness to create safe space for the widows. This is also where the school children are sensitized on the human rights and country’s laws and freedoms as granted to all citizens. This way the girl child grows up knowing her own rights and meanwhile being able to defend the rights of other female citizens from being abused through the humiliating traditional rituals

Targeted widows and affected youths have stable alternative sources of income

The project directly reaches out to both boy and girl child with trainings on economic capacity enhancement. With economic power, the vulnerable cease to be so in the face of oppression and can say no to their rights violations. The project thus also supports both the widows and the girl child to be stable economically through provision of livelihoods assets.

Assistant county commissioner Anne Ojwando adressing the local administrators in Sega, North Ugenya as she launched the forum

Assistant county commissioner Anne Ojwando adressing the local administrators in Sega, North Ugenya as she launched the forum

The facilitator engaging the participants in an energizing exercise during the sensitization activity in Central Alego, Segere FPFK hall.

The facilitator engaging the participants in an energizing exercise during the sensitization activity in Central Alego, Segere FPFK hall.

The community and state duty bearers are respecting and promoting the rights of

The project conducts dialogues and other awareness engagements with the local duty bearers i.e the project areas administrators of Nyumba kumi, assistant chiefs, chiefs, gender desk officers and even the Accs. This way all the responsible leaders in the project areas are kept on toes and held accountable when it comes to protecting the rights of the citizens, the women and girl child atop the project’s list.

Our Contacts


Working hours

Monday- Friday:8:00 AM-17:00 PM
(Phone until 17:00 PM)

Contact Info

FPFK Headquarters; Kindaruma Road, Off Menelik Rd,P.O. Box 47469 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Mobile: +(254) 726 155 459
Email: hoffice@fpfk.or.ke or info@fpfk.or.ke