Teens & Children Ministry

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” — Proverbs 22:6 KJV

Teens & Childreen Ministry


FPFK recognizes the God given mandate to bring up children in fear of God according to Proverbs 2:6. Children Ministry are in every local and branch church. The Children Ministry consist of Sunday school and teens. The church board ensure that there are enough Sunday school and Teenage teachers.

The disciples of Jesus Christ were curious to understand the ranking of heavenly kingdom citizenship and asked Jesus to explain them on the same. Jesus responded back with a challenging answer that looked like maybe He didn’t understand their question clearly since in the Jewish culture a child was not considered as important before they attain the adult age of 30 years old. Matthew 18:3 ‘I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will NEVER entre the Kingdom of heaven…’. He went on explaining to them in the following verses that if children would not be considered as greatest in the heavenly kingdom, a terrible disciplinary measures is announced to all who will offend them by causing them not to access this Kingdom. This can be the situation in today’s most church leadership, where an answer like this can be of unsatisfying as most programs in the church are designed to target only adults. Telling people to behave like children for them to inherit Kingdom of heaven can be of a degrading manner that many preachers take it to be a kind of lowering their dignity of their heavenly citizenship. So Jesus had to show them how God valued children in His kingdom and He is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost. This is just because the children ministry in the church has not been considered as important work and given priority when planning activities geared to expand the Kingdom of Heaven. For FPFK Church to win God’s favor, this ministry should be given much attention if expansion of this kingdom is expected in our organization.

Children Ministry department George Nyachiro pose for a photo with Sunday school children

FPFK National Children/Teens Ministry Committee. From Left: Mrs Winnie Kefa- Coast Region, Mr. Charles Thuranirah(Meru), Mr George Ayata- (Nyanza), Mrs Jane Lekeni(Kajiado), Pastor Charles Ndonge(Central Rift), Pastor George Nyachiro, FPFK National Leader for Children Ministry, Mrs Jane Waihenya(Nyahururu Mt Kenya) and Japheth Kirui(Bomet Bureti region).

Our Contacts


Working hours

Monday- Friday:8:00 AM-17:00 PM
(Phone until 17:00 PM)

Contact Info

FPFK Headquarters; Kindaruma Road, Off Menelik Rd,P.O. Box 47469 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Fax:+(020) 3874596
Email: hoffice@fpfk.or.ke or info@fpfk.or.ke