


The church has well established institutions that work towards achieving its mission. Karen Christian College is an FPFK institution that seeks to train and develop servant leaders to serve the church and the community. It has five active course centres distributed in Oyugis, Kiptere, Kitale, Nyamira, and Nyambare. These course centres are mandated to run certificate courses.

FPFK also runs polytechnics in Kipsongo Kitale, Nyambare and Bughungu in Kakamega which focuses in providing technical education to the youths in the community.

Strategically the church is focused in strengthening all FPFK institutions to offer quality and inclusive education; Learners trained in vocational skills are employed or self-employed and promote the realization of basic rights to education and social security

FPFK Interventions

  1. Strengthening and equiping FPFK instutions
  2. Support access to quality and inclusive education
  3. Supporting instution offering training in vacational skills
  4. Facilitating Children protection and access to quality education  for all

Our Contacts


Working hours

Monday- Friday:8:00 AM-17:00 PM
(Phone until 17:00 PM)

Contact Info

FPFK Headquarters; Kindaruma Road, Off Menelik Rd,P.O. Box 47469 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Fax:+(020) 3874596
Email: or