Freedom of religion and belief (FoRB) project
Freedom of religion and belief (FoRB) project
The freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief is largely recognized as a universal right, encoded in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the Constitution of Kenya. The world has witnessed waves of violations in freedom of religion or belief and violent extremism, both of which have taken the lives of many innocent people. Over a decade from 2007, government restrictions on religion increased markedly in the world. In a similar manner, increasing attention has been paid to Freedom of Religion and Belief and today there are a wide variety of initiatives. However, the level of knowledge and skills among key actors remains an area of great need required for their capacity to effectively take up their role in addressing FoRB issues within their localities. FPFK through I.A.S Denmark launched FoRB Project pilot project in Isiolo County from 1st August 2021 to 30th October 2022. The project covered three wards, Bula Pesa, Wabera and Burat ward. Isiolo is a cosmopolitan town which houses five major tribes, Meru, Borana, Turkana, Somali, and Samburu. Boranas and Somalis are mainly Muslims while Meru, Turkana and Samburu are mainly Christians. A context analysis research conducted in late November 2021, elucidated the need for capacity building for religious leaders to effectively strengthen religious tolerance in Isiolo County.

Youth of Faith network being trained on reaching out to other youths and creating awareness on Freedom of religion and belief
The study showed;
- Low level of inter-religious relations among religions
- Levels of inequity in access to socio-economic opportunities due to religious discrimination
- Relatively low level of knowledge and skills among religious leaders to promote religious tolerance
- Inadequate inter-religious relation building activities to promote religious tolerance
- Low participation and inclusivity in religious tolerance promoting activities among people of faith
- Breaches and violations of human rights laws due to weak implementation by state actors.

Religious leaders inside the Mosque to practice tolerance by attending others places of worship for prayers

Religious leaders in a session of creating awareness on Freedom of religion or belief in Isiolo county

Religious leaders in a FoRB session being prepared to reach out and sensitize their members in the churches, Mosques on freedom of religion and belief using hand book