PRP Muhoroni project
Peace Resilience project
PRP Muhoroni project
Muhoroni Peace project was launched in May 2017 as a result of successful Mt. Elgon peace project that had been in operation since 2009 that worked among the Sabaot community, Bukusu Community and Iteso community. Through PRP, we got a lasting peace in Mt. Elgon with the signing of the peace agreement called Mabanga Peace Accord.
It worked among the Nandi,Kipsigis and Luo Communities. Through FPFK, the project target area was within North Rift Region (Tinderet), Kisumu Region (Muhoroni and Nyakach), Kericho region (Sigowet) and Kericho North Region( Soin) .
The project was supported by NPM through financing the budgets, technical support through advisors and continuous capacity training for the staff on areas like Anti-corruption, Monitoring and Evaluation just to mention few.
The PRP Muhoroni Peace project overall goal was facilitate an enabling environment, where communities become effective agents of peace building and support inclusive stability and development in Muhoroni and Mt. Elgon regions in Kenya.
PRP Muhoroni project
Inclusive intra and inter dialogues among the 3 communities - the Luo, the Kipsigis and the Nandis
To identify and address root causes of conflict and areas of tension. Four issues were identified as the major root causes of violent conflicts among the 3 communities, and were land and boundary conflicts, leadership and governance conflicts, cattle theft, Internally Displaced People(IDP) plights such as resettlement. The project formed 4 committees to specifically focus on those thematic areas.
Inclusive intra and inter dialogue forums for FPFK regional church leaders in the 4 regions Kisumu, Kericho North, Kericho and North Rift (Nandi)
To identify and address root causes of conflict and areas of tension (Added in plans for 2018 because it was acknowledged that the conflicts were also dividing FPFK in the area, which has a strong presence and is meant to be contributing peace builders in this project- The church leaders from those regions held dialogue meetings, workshops, inter region visitation and project Trained Church boards from these regions to be major actors in handling peace/conflict management
Structures established by the PRP are supported by the PRP to address root causes of conflict and areas of tension in Muhoron
Structures were formed, advisory committee was in place, project volunteers, conflict early warning team was put in place, reconciliation facilitators were in place ,network of FPFK Regional Bishops was in place, Implementation committees’ were in place.
Women and youth are sensitized and involved in the peace process as key actors to address the root causes of conflicts-
Project held several sensitization forums in the target area
Trauma healing and reconciliation dialogues are held for victims and perpetrators in the conflict
Conflict Over 500 victims and perpetrators were reached out.
Facilitated the formation and operation of a conflict early warning and early response system(CEWERS) in the Muhoroni area
A team of 35 people were identified in 2021 they were trained and worked for entire project period on CEWERS.
Radio talk shows are held at local FM in Muhoroni cluster to share information about the PRP andto encourage peaceful coexistence
We had interactive radio talk shows reaching out to masses through local FM radios namely Namu Lolwe and Emoo FM.