Women Ministry


Women Ministry

The Women Ministry are in every local and branch church. Women maintain a strong Ministry with each other, serve God through prayer, hospitality and mercy ministries and anyway that the Lord shall lead.

The women ministry team intends to work towards the vision of our church making it a strong Pentecostal church that meets the needs of the society holistically.

As the women of FPFK we shall maintain the image and submission of Christ in own homes and in the church according to Titus 2:3-7. As women Ministry we shall endeavor in teaching women to be submissive and supportive in the church through evangelizing to other fellow women in different ways that will make the church grow in numbers. We believe that the woman is a destiny career, and we are created to help birth and nature, this is the character of the noble woman Proverbs 

As the women ministry it is our dream to see women succeed spiritually, socially and financially this can only be achieved when we as FPFK Church invest in empowering our women and girls by advocating for the protection of their rights and give them opportunity to arise as leaders in the Ministry and beyond, with time we long to see more women and girls join and graduate as Pastors from our very own institution, Karen Bible School.

Tuinuane is a project that has helped the women grow economically this has attracted more women even those who are not members of FPFK, we intend to mobilize more women to join so as to help us grow our Tuinuane Sacco into the level of a bank that the women can earn and lend as the likes of Kenya Women Trust Fund, we believe that we are strong and capable. As a team we shall also work out an Income Generating Activity that will be benefiting women at all levels, register our women association to be able to do projects and tenders even at the regional level. With this we can also have access to the women affirmative funds from the government of Kenya.

The plight of the Kenyan woman and girl child has been incessantly highlighted in our churches’ books, magazines and even the internet as a vulnerable being. It our prayer that this will change through our church and FPFK will be an instrument of change in our woman’s life. With time, we long to seemore FPFK women and girls join and graduate as Pastors from our very own institution, Karen Bible School.

Our FPFK constitution and the strategic plan for 2014 – 2021 have clearly set goals and targets for the women, which are summarized as

  1. Women Empowerment
  2. Rising women Leaders to take up leadership roles and responsibilities
  1. Advocacy
  2. Girl Child Rights – Lobbying for girl child (education,human rights).
  1. Women Rights
  2. Change of attitude and behavior regarding risky cultural practices
  3. Capacity building initiatives for women to advocate and stand for their rights

Together we can work to ensure that our girls and women of FPFK arise to another glory and become the Deborah who fought on behalf of Israel. We shall stand in the gap and pray that God will give us wisdom and knowledge to attain the big vision


National Chair-FPFK Women Ministry

Welcome to our Women Ministry Department.

The Lord has entrusted us to lead the Women Ministry purposely to bring a change for better. When God calls you he makes you go, I believe that by the Grace of God we shall trounce by His mercy and achieve the women aspiration.

As the women of FPFK we shall maintain the image and submission of Christ in own homes and in the church according to Titus 2:3-7.

A woman is a destiny career and a Helper we are created to birth and nature, this is the character of the noble woman Proverbs 31.

Our constitution as a church and our strategic plan for 2014 – 2021 have clearly set goals and targets for the women, which are summarized as

  1. Women Empowerment
  2. Advocacy
  3. Girl Child Rights – Lobbying for girl child (education, human rights).
  4. Women Rights
  5. Change of attitude and behavior regarding risky cultural practices
  6. Capacity building initiatives for women to advocate and stand for their rights

Indeed, I pride in achieving these. FPFK has been having Projects that have been beneficial to the Women in supporting them by capacity building and skill development.

This project are;

  1. Tuinunane Project – National
  2. Widows Project – Siaya
  3. Gender and Advicacy Project – Narok
  4. Anti FGM Project – Namanga

This projects have improved the knowledge of the women in their day to day life. This projects have impacted change in the mindset of different individuals which has helped them overcome their difficult ad demoralizing situations.

Finally, I this opportunity to welcome all women from across all walks of life in the church to actively be involved in all activities that will be brought up by the National Committee. We appreciate the support of our Bishops, Reverends and Pastors in Prayer, Mobilization and finance. We believe that with Prayer all things are possible.

Together we can work to ensure that our girls and women of FPFK arise to another glory and become the Deborah who fought on behalf of Israel. We shall stand in the gap and pray that God will give us wisdom and knowledge to attain the big vision.

Incase of any support or contribution towards our projects and conferences you can deposit to our account as follows;

FPFK Women Ministry

Equity Bank Accnt No:

Thank you all.

God bless FPFK, GOD Bless Kenya.

Emily Samante Mayiani.



National Chair

Emily Samante Mayiani.

National Chair:- FPFK Women Ministry

It has always been my dream to see women succeed spiritually, socially and financially this can only be achieved when we as FPFK Church invest in empowering our women and girls by advocating for the protection of their rights and give them opportunity to rise in the Ministry.

Our Contacts


Working hours

Monday- Friday:8:00 AM-17:00 PM
(Phone until 17:00 PM)

Contact Info

FPFK Headquarters; Kindaruma Road, Off Menelik Rd,P.O. Box 47469 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Fax:+(020) 3874596
Email: hoffice@fpfk.or.ke or info@fpfk.or.ke