The two-day FPFK National Men Ministry Conference finally came to an end on Wednesday at Karen Christian College, Nairobi.
The conference, which was themed; “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance…Deuteronomy 1:6-7, was organised by the National Men Ministry leadership under Pastor Francis Mutuku.
It saw over 20 regions attend with 256 delegates, with the Coast region leading in number of delegates at 60.
National Board members including Presiding Bishop Joseph Munialo, Deputy General Secretary Bishop Damson Kamau, General Secretary Bishop John Kitur, Deputy General Secretary Rev. Gideon Yegon, Treasurer Rev. Adam Turere, Deputy Treasurer John Osimbo and Board members Sisters Alice Omondi and Christine Auma also attended the conference.

Some of the National Board members

General Secretary Bishop John Kitur speaking to delegates during the conference
The conference came six years later, after the last one was held in 2016 with 2020 to 2022 interrupted by Covid-19 pandemic, which saw social gatherings banned by the government to prevent the spread of the virus.

Bishop William Tuimising speaking during the conference

Bishop William Tuimising speaking as he is interpreted by Rev. Karachi Matongo.
Bishop Tuimising spoke in the first and session in the morning hours on the first day (Tuesday) on Golden Rules for Christian Living and Partnership With God in the second session, with emphasis on divine favour.
Reading from John 15 on the vine and branch story, he said we men and all human beings cannot succeed in life on their own but only with partnership with God( verse 5; “…without me you can do nothing.”).
“You must realise that Jesus Christ must be a partner with you to move to the next level of success. When you partner with God, he will fight for you,” he said.
On divine favour for instance, he said: “Divine partnership with God brings divine favour because divine favour flavours your life. Divine favour will cover your errors and colour your efforts.”
The Bishop, who throughout his speaking seasoned his messages with good anecdotes that tickled delegates’ bones, said for us to walk in divine favour, obedience to the word of God is key.
In addition to that, he said prayer is also key for us to succeed in life, giving an example of man of God Billy Graham, who one time when asked by conference attendees what is his secret to success, he said number one is; prayer, two is prayer and three is prayer.
He said God sometimes wants to speak with someone alone and therefore one should create a good time with God alone.
The message on Partnership With God will be soon available on our official Church YouTube channel.

Part of the delegates in the conference

Part of the delegates in the Men conference
In the afternoon after lunch break, Rev. Mwalili spoke on Stewardship, using Mathew 25:14-30, saying all that we own belongs to God and therefore we should use it properly for the glory of God since we shall give an account of what we own and how we used it just like the parable of the talents.
He said we should be faithful with whatever little possessions we have in giving to him so that God can give us more. This message will also be available on our YouTube account.
Bishop Tuimising on the second day started with Godly Family Life and Building Good Relationship With Your Spouse in the second lesson before lunch break.
On Building Good Relationship With Your Spouse for instance, he gave seven ways how men can build good relation with their spouse, which also applies to women.
They are; Being gentle with one another, Building or making peace with each other and not just being peace lovers, Forgive each other just like God has forgave or forgive us, eat each other the same way you would like to be treated.
Others are; Be devoted to each other, Give yourself first to the Lord and finally Be of the same mind in decisions you make as a couple. This message will also be available on YouTube channel.
In the afternoon on the second day after lunch break, Rev. Dr. Mwalili spoke on; Giving To Support the Work of God.
He challenged men to be faithful in giving to support the work of God in our Church.
He said Jesus Christ is more concerned not with how much we give but how much is left behind.

Rev. Dr. Solomon Mwalili of FPFK Embakasi Church, who was the main speaker talking about Stewardship.
Rev. Dr Mwalili demonstrated this by giving a story of the widow in the bible in Mark 12, who gave her only two coins that she had and went back home blessed.
“It’s unfortunate that giving to support the work of God in the church has so much reduced that our institutions are struggling and some are looking at death,” said Rev. Dr. Mwalili.
He however congratulated the church members, saying there is revival coming because giving has improved a little but that they can do more in terms of giving.
The Rev. encouraged members to continue to be faithful in giving for instance the 15 percent to support the Head Office in running it and complete projects that we have including completing the Kindaruma Guest House.
He said if we give faithfully to God, we shall not luck because he will give us back to meet our daily needs, just like he says in Malachi 10 and we shall not struggle in life or earn but later we cry later that there is no money to meet our daily needs.
He said failure to give to God is robbing him as the word of God says in Malachi 10 and therefore members of FPFK Church should avoid being ‘robbers’.
He warned members about being unfaithful in giving, using an example of Ananias and Sapphira, saying we risk being easily attempted and act like the two in Acts 5.
He challenged delegates that as they go back home, should ask God to give them the grace of giving as per 2 Cor 8: 1-9, 9:6-8.
“If you receive the grace of giving, you will not have issues in giving to God. You will not argue whether to support this project or not. Therefore as you go about your activities and businesses, ensure you have this grace of giving because all silver and gold belongs to him,” said Rev. Mwalili.

Southern Region delegates also came in large numbers.

Leading Coast Region delegates in a group photo.They were 60 men from the region
Pastor Mutuku challenged men to prepare for the next year’s conference, saying it will now be an annual conference.
He said to plan earlier for the next conference and for it to be better, he said men will going forward start paying for the conference in advance in instalments now that they have a bank account No 1470284355517 and MPESA Paybill 247247.

FPFK National Men Ministry Chairman Pastor Francis Mutuku speaking.
“If we start paying for the conference in advance like six months, even Sh3,000 will not be a big issue and we shall plan the conference in a better way, go to even a better venue and if we spend less and remain with balance, the money will go to the men’s kitty. Doing this will save us from last minute registration which is sometimes an issue,” he said.
He promised transparency and accountability in use of the money that will be collected through Bank and mobile money towards the future conferences.
Presiding Bishop Joseph Munialo thanked the National Board and delegates who came for the conference and told them that it’s time for revival to move from the mountain as per the conference theme.
“I want to start by thanking the National Board for being patient and all delegates who came to the conference and sat till the end of this conference and I know that you will not go back empty-handed but with something ,” said Bishop Munialo.
He added: “It’s enough sitting on this mountain of Karen (Horeb) that we have sat for a long time. Let us leave here and go where people are available and not wait for them to come to church. Let us go and preach the word of God and bring people into the church, the field to harvest souls is big and let us not fight on the small pulpit in the church.”

Presiding Bishop Joseph Munialo
He told the delegates that they should not just say revival has started, but that should start with them as you go back home.
“As you go back, take a good report there, tell others what you learned from the speakers and not how you did not eat or sleep well, we shall endeavour do all we can to improve every time.’’
The conference ended at 5pm with announcements among them Nairobi Region Men last Kesha at FPFK Kabiria Church on December 8.
Next big event of the year will be the Youth Conference from December 4th to 9th at FPFK Kimana in Loitoktok.