By Media Team
FPFK Church Presiding Bishop Joseph Munialo has declared revival in the entire Church. He did this when he preached in the Nairobi Region Churches one day conference at FPFK Kawangware Church in Nairobi. Bishop Munialo said the church must be revived so that the joy that was initially there may return. Before attending the conference, he had on Friday last week attended Pastor’s and Leaders meeting at Loitokitok Region as part of his plans to visit all 34 regions across the country. Many churches from Nairobi Region attended the conference, which ended at around 3pm. His sermon; “The Joy of The Lord” from Psalms 85:6; “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? ….” emphasised on revival and the joy of the Lord.

Part of the Nairobi Region Churches members at the conference.
The bishop said the FPFK Church needs revival and that revival is now and not any other time. “That revival is starting here today in Nairobi Region in FPFK Kawangware Church and then spread to all other regions,” said Bishop Munialo. He said the joy that we need as a Church is not the one that comes from dancing in the church for instance but from the Lord. Bishop Munialo said we are living in times when the congregation is going outside there to seek joy in the world in the name of removing stress, which is not the right thing because true joy is only found in God’s presence. “Such people even when they come to church in body, the spirit is not with them in church and such are the kind of people we have in our church today, ” he said.
He said joy is that one that comes from internal happiness and not outside and which we can only get it in God’s presence. “The joy I am preaching about is not the one that comes from circumstances like receiving good thing from someone or news but that of the Lord. If we dwell in God and obey his commandments, we shall get that joy of the Lord,” he added. He however, said sin takes away that joy that we need due to the guilty that is brought by sin. The bishop therefore challenged the Church to have the spirit of repentance like of David as in Psalms 51:10.
Another thing he said denies us the joy of the Lord is when one has been born again for along time and you become used to God (kumuzoea Mungu) so that you don’t have any new testimony of what God has done to you recently but “all you have to say is that God has been good to you since you were saved till today.”
The bishop said God is ready and willing to heal the Church physically and spiritually and that time is now. He said a revived heart rejoices in the presence of God, quoting Psalms 97:1. “The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice”. He said he wishes that time again when we do not enter into praise and worship so that the presence of God comes but always desire to be in his presence all the time. He urged the church to ask God to use remember mercy so that God can descend down and revive us as FPFK Church as per (Isaiah 64:1-2).

Presiding Bishop Joseph Munialo praying for Nairobi Region Council chairman Bishop Sammy Ndung’u
The bishop said God hates sin but is merciful and will forgive those who repent and the church therefore should repent and then ask for revival. He said God hates the sin of sexual immorality most because it does not only touch the body but also the spirit. “There is something called soul tie, which is not good “, he said. The bishop said it’s time as a Church we call sin as it is and we should repent so that refreshing may come again as per Acts 3:19. He said if we get revived, even prayers will not be a burden in our lives. He said time for the Church to be revived is now and not any other time.
Bishop Munialo said God is going to do great things in our lives before Jesus Christ comes back again, only if we position ourselves in the right way of God by being holy. “I don’t like preachers telling Christians that their star has been taken away and they cannot succeed, this is playing with Christians’ psychology, just live righteously and God will meet the desires of your heart,” he said amid laughter. He said it’s unfortunate the Church has few ‘conmen’ in the name of preachers, who are preaching fake gospel by doing all kinds of dramas and gymnastics that are done by other pastors of other churches.
He told them to repent and preach the true gospel. “Preach only the gospel, do not add or subtract anything and let God do his work. True gospel which will bring people to the church,” he said.
The bishop said in the next few years, God is going to do great things for FPFK Church so long as we stay holy. He said if we have revival, people will be healed instantly without gymnastics and not told to go and come for healing another day. Nairobi Regional Council chairman Pastor Sammy Ndungu, said the conference revival is just the beginning of many good things to come.