FPFK Peace Resilience Program is a peace project implemented by FPFK church with the support from Norwegian Pentecostal Mission. The program falls under the Social Ministry arm where the church projects and programs are coordinated. The Peace Resilience Program is split into two projects to cover and address conflicts in Muhoroni and Kilgoris clusters. In Muhoroni cluster, the program covers the borders of Kisumu, Nandi and Kericho counties and the Kilgoris Cluster the program covers Narok, Kisii and Migori counties.
Muhoroni peace resilience project is a peace community project operating in the boarders of Kisumu, Nandi and Kericho Counties. The major conflicts witnessed in these border areas are based on inter-ethnic conflict between the Kipsigis, Nandi and Luo who all borders the said counties. Muhoroni conflict system with the history of conflict pitting the Kalenjin (Nandi and Kipsigis) and the Luo against each other is driven by different community interests in the conflict and their ability to advance the same. It is analyzed that the Nandi and Kipsigis are perceived to be the groups advancing the conflict in the area. The Luo and other communities – Kisii, Kikuyu, and Luhya are perceived as the victims. However, they all contribute to the conflict in different ways.
FPFK General Secretary Rev. John Kitur Cutting the ribbon during the official launching of the Muhoroni Peace Resilience project in Sondu
The program was launched to tackle conflict along the borderlines brought on by intolerance for ethnic differences, build structures for peace building and conflict management, bring healing into the communities where harm has been caused and members affected and to try and build up strong, responsible, independent and resilient communities. All this is achieved through collaboration with the state agencies, other organizations, the church and the targeted communities.