A Word from Our Presiding Bishop

Presiding Bishop

Joseph Nyongesa Munialo

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is my commitment as your Presiding Bishop to make sure that every year will be a year of additional gains.  I am struck by the enormity of the task and responsibility the Lord and F.P.F.K Church bestowed upon me. I remember when I took over the office as Presiding Bishop on May 27, 2022, I promised to provide servant leadership to FPFK Church. The National Board and I will continue to be committed to this. I promised that, as FPFK National Board we have nothing to hide, we took over the leadership when our organization was financially nil, to avoid to use the word bankrupt.

We are urging all the spiritual leaders that we continue to be transparent and accountable to members of FPFK Church. Transparency and integrity, are some of our core values. I would like to let you know that we are living in a very interesting and challenging times. Apostle Paul exhorts us in Ephesians 5:15-17 (TEV) saying “so be careful how you live. Don’t live like ignorant people, but like wise people. 16 Make good use of every opportunity you have because these are evil days. 17. Don’t be fools, then but try to find out what the Lord wants you to do”


I. Spiritual darkness

The Psalmist prophetically saw our days and said in Psalms 82:5 (NIV) “they know nothing, they understand nothing, they walk about in darkness all the foundations of the earth are shaken”.

II. Egocentric Leadership

The bible says in Luke 22:2526 (NLT) Jesus told them, in this world the Kings and great men lord it over their people, yet they are called friends of the people. 26 But among you it will be different. Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and the leader should be like a servant.

III. Extreme Poverty

Most Kenyans including our own church members are living on less than one dollar per day. This has affected our church income

IV: Ignorance

Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 1:23 (MSB) The church is Christ’s body, in which He speaks and Acts by which He fills everything with His presence.

Our style of leadership is very important; most of our decisions are made by the congregation, but let us also embrace Theocracy, the rule of God to take preeminence in our leadership.

Additionally, As F.P.FK Church we have our own challenges, which must be addressed. We have a good structure but we still have much to do towards this structure. There is much autonomy of Local Churches and their leaders. Something must be done to reduce this much autonomy of local churches.

As it is, ministries within FPFK have never been facilitated at the National level including the office of the Presiding Bishop. We have therefore come up with a proposal which requires some constitutional amendments. In regards to this, therefore, I request all the delegates to support this when it is presented.

Finally, when I assumed the leadership of this church, I was aware of the enormous task that was ahead and expectations of the whole church and the trust that the church had in me. Let me assure you that I am equal to the task. By God’s grace, I am trusting God to lift this church to another level. The following therefore, is what I intend to do:


One of my duties as the Presiding Bishop in accordance to our constitution Article 13 Part (xi); is to coordinate opening of FPFK Churches and Ministries outside Kenya. And this is done collectively with entire National Board, but I have to lead the way.

Therefore, Evangelism and Church Planting are going to be our FPFK’s thrust. I intend to roll out a campaign and I urge every Local Church to plant at least one branch church in a year as well as Regions to open more branch churches. It is my wish that next year 2025, every church by the end of the year will have planted at least a church.

Brethren, we also have so many Elders in our churches who are mature enough to be given churches to run.


General Woodrow of the American Army in the Second World War said “everything stands and falls on leadership.”

And this is why I came up with a schedule of visiting all Regions and meet with Bishops and Leaders for the purpose of providing spiritual leadership.

I would wish to be a great encouragement to Bishops, Pastors, and entire Leadership. I have already started going around our re-gions meeting with Regional Bishops and the entire Regional Council.

There are things we will do collective-ly as National Board and there are those specific activities for the Presiding Bishop. I yearn to promote harmony and good working relations with Regional Councils and local churches.

I had a dream and I still have a dream that together we can improve our church. These will be done in seminars and training for leaders at the regional level. I know that this will take most of my time and resources since there is no support from anywhere. The

work done in God’s way will not lack God’s provision.


At the same time, I want to challenge and push each of our Pastors, beginning with myself to go back to school and advance their education.

Those with Certificates to go for Diplomas, those with Diplomas to go for Degrees, those with Degrees to go for Masters and final-ly Masters to PhD’s. Let the sky be the limit.

It doesn’t sound well that you are a pastor with a certificate and you are pastoring a congregation of people with Bachelors, Mas-ters and PhD’s.

If God will grant me an opportunity to lead this church for more years, I want to leave this church with half or more than half of our pastors with a good level of education.

4. Make FPFK financially stable

Our former President, His Excellency, Uhuru Kenyatta recently said, let us look ahead and not back. Don’t focus on what the for-mer leadership did or did not do. The former Board had good ideas of coming up with one way of making FPFK financially stable and that is the stalled building of Premier Hotel. I am sure if this building will be completed, it will transform this church and the pastors financially. We can learn from others like Rwanda, KAG, Deliverance just to mention but a few. If others have done it, why not us? If Premier Hotel will be completed, it will be one of our income gen-erating ventures for the church of FPFK.


Already this has started through the office of our General Secretary, we have pension schemes for our pastors as well as leaders.

The General Secretary will shed more light on the same. You remember last year the National Board went around and reminded the churches about the contributions towards Premier Hotel as agreed in the AGM. As the National Board, we appreciate the regions and the churches that complied.

Last year too, I dedicated one of our magnificent church at Maasai Mara FPFK and I also consecrated Bishop Boniface Lokuruka of FPFK Turkana Region.

My dear Bishops, Reverends, Pastors and all delegates present, I humbly request for your blessings, support, prayers and guidance as I labor in this Lord’s vineyard to preach the gospel and serve His people, to offer myself as a living sacrifice and make straight His paths for His glorious return. I can accomplish none of this through my own strength.

I ask that you intercede for me before the Lord, God, and Saviour that He may grant me divine grace, which always heals that which is weak and completes that which is lacking.

God bless you all!

Our Contacts


Working hours

Monday- Friday:8:00 AM-17:00 PM
(Phone until 17:00 PM)

Contact Info

FPFK Headquarters; Kindaruma Road, Off Menelik Rd,P.O. Box 47469 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Fax:+(020) 3874596
Email: hoffice@fpfk.or.ke or info@fpfk.or.ke