General Secretary

FPFK General Secretary

Bishop John Kitur

I salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  Brethren, this far the Lord has brought us all. We have every reason to thank the Lord for His Faithfulness in protecting us and supplying our needs. For us as a Board, the scripture in 1st Samuel 7:12 is a reality especially with experiences we have encountered since we assumed office.

Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya has an approximate membership of 1 million, 418 local churches and over 1500 branch church-es. The local churches and branches are under the umbrella of 34 regions. FPFK accommodates a workforce of over 2000 pastors taking care of our local churches and branch churches. Currently we have over 50 members of administrative staff working in the Head Office, Social ministry, Keswick, KCC, Bukhungu among other departments. In total, staff working for various department are 120.

We are glad to inform you that we are rolling out our 5-year strategic plan which is ready for implementation. This document outlines areas of concentration for the next 5 years.

The family of our partners is growing with our new partners Lakar Missionen (LM) joining the family of Sweden, Norway, and Den-mark with their social ministry departments like NPM, PMU,LM and IAS playing an important role in our midst to realize our vision of holistic ministry


As a church in the world but not part of the world, we also have challenges that we need to address;

  1. There is need for FPFK churches and Leaders to respect and implement to the latter FPFK Constitution for the harmony and growth of the Church.
  2. Servicing our debt Debts incurred over the years have become a setback to our financial growth. For the last few years we have been in office, we spent most of the time on servicing our debts. Proper frame work and guidelines must be put in place so that the church can be debt free.
  3. Limited resources to reach the unreached areas. FPFK must look for ways of mobilizing resources for Mission; hence, this, will be outlined during the Leaders’ Summit in November 2024.
  4. Financing our conferences

For the last few years, the Head Office has incurred a lot of deficits in financing conferences. This has happened because most of the participants in the conferences want to pay less and require traditional ways of external support. FPFK must finance its conferences in full without relying on anybody.

Lack of facilitation for the National Office to conduct oversight of our projects/programme. Discussion is required between FPFK board and partners to address the same.

Thessalia Mission Centre

We confirm that Thessalia Mission centre was handed over back to FPFK on 17th May, 2023, though some of the buildings were not in good shape but so far we have managed to renovate some to accommodate offices hence facilitate smooth running of the station. As a Board, we are planning to maximize Thessalia in order to build a stable organization. Thessalia Guesthouse was placed under Fpfk Kindaruma Guesthouse, hence it is run by the Board of Directors.


  1. Completion of premier hotel.

This is urgent and should be given priority. Currently, the building has temporary roofing and no windows, so all the water drains to the underground floor. A couple of days ago, we pumped water to empty the ground floor, but with the heavy rains we are currently experiencing in our country, the groundwater could compromise the structure of the building, posing a risk to the entire construction.

  1. Lost Title Deeds

Title deeds for several churches got lost at Kaplan & Stratons Company many years back. It may take time for the Head Office to get funding so as to apply for new titles .Therefore, as a Board we are kindly asking our churches to come on board and support in secur-ing these titles.

  1. Renovations of houses in Thessalia

It needs urgent attention.

4. Focusing on evangelism & missions to increase our church’s growth

  1. Establish a discipleship programme that is relevant to a Pentecostal church.

In conclusion brethren, I wish to appeal to all delegates and our partners to continue supporting FPFK to achieve its mandate. We thank you in advance for your perpetual support.

Our Contacts


Working hours

Monday- Friday:8:00 AM-17:00 PM
(Phone until 17:00 PM)

Contact Info

FPFK Headquarters; Kindaruma Road, Off Menelik Rd,P.O. Box 47469 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Fax:+(020) 3874596
Email: or